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With a monthly subscription, you will have access to: - 

  • Healing Classes

  • Angel Classes

  • Chakra Healing Classes

  • Channelling

  • Manifestation Classes

  • Personal Development Classes

  • Healing & Healthy Alternative Living

  • Past Lives Exploration

  • Plus lots, lots more including: - 

    • 888 Light Integration with Ascended Master Mary Magdalene

    • A night of angel healing

    • Accessing the akashic records

    • Accessing Higher Consciousness

    • Accessing Simple Abundance

    • Algalithian Starseed Classes

    • Algalithian Webinars

    • Angel Healing 22-22-22

    • Angel Numbers

    • Angelic Chakra Healing

    • Core Soul Matrix Healing

    • Channelling Spirit

    • Angelic Communication Dowsing

    • Angel Light Healing

    • A Journey Into Angel Healing

    • Archangel Chamuel Crystal Heart Healing

    • Archangel Therapy Level 1

    • Archangel Therapy Level 2​

Join our Online Learning Library for just £19.99 per month. Cancel whenever you like. ​

These online learning courses offer you easy pathway to trance-channelled spiritual knowledge from source that will empower you and help you on your own ascension path. These online teachings provide divine wisdom, divine meditations and exercises, enabling you to rediscover and embrace your true spiritual essence.


Benefits include: -


  1. Learn at your own pace.

  2. After registration, you'll be sent your link so you can access our library.

  3. Choose from a wide range of different classes.

  4. Any questions email our customer-suppor team for online learning assistane3.

  5. New classes uploaded regularly.

  6. Access life changing classes and spiritual development manuals from the comfort of your own space.


Presented by Jill Harrison
Founder & CEO at

With over 30 years as a professional corporate trainer and spiritual coach you're in good hands. Jill has taught extensively in the USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia and Japan.

She's also worked as a columnist for US magazines on mindfulness, mindset, manifesting, channelling and holistic living.l

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©2020 by AngelMessenger

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