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39 Archangel Raphael – Golden Light Healing MP3

39 Archangel Raphael – Golden Light Healing MP3

SKU: MP31039

This healing guided meditation by Archangel Raphael,  is MP3 number 39 within the series, through spiritual trance-channel Jill Harrison and was given to help mankind experience multi-dimensional healing. 

Daily life can be a strain as you endeavour to navigate yourself through the negativity you are bombarded with, through the media, your professional and working lives and even those closest to you.

The Archangels and Ascended Masters understand this, and are always standing by, waiting to assist and support you in your everyday experiences and challenges.

What is very clear, is if you do not ask, they will not step forward, so it is your responsibility to speak out and be willing to embrace the amazing energies that each and every  one of these wonderful light-beings has to offer you.

Archangel Raphael’s gift, is a meditation which offers you the opportunity to heal and balance on a whole body level and experience total relaxation.

In this guided meditation MP3 you will be bathed in healing golden light energies, allowing you to feel so at peace.

He warns that there may be those who experience pain, as your body cleanses and releases all those energies which do not serve youArchangel Raphael is here protecting and guiding you, as you purify the physical body.

Meditation is key to creating harmony and balance, and for those who wish to work on their own healing, connect with angelic divine love, and allow peace, tranquility and harmony to be yours.

1.  Introduction  – Glenn  04:05
2.  Meditation  –  Glenn 25:05
3.  Meditation  – Jill  26:13


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