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08 Lord Melchizedek – Astral Travel MP3

08 Lord Melchizedek – Astral Travel MP3

SKU: MP31008

In this beautiful guided meditation you will be shown how to have an ‘out of body’ experience; to lift your astral body on it’s first stages of astral travel. You will be drawn towards a holographic star where you can meet Ascended Master Melchizedek; and be able to ask what spiritual work you should be working on, to achieve your true life’s purpose. A wonderful experience.

Studies have revealed that those people who practice astral travel on a daily basis discover:-

  • Better sleeping patterns.
  • An expansion in psychic awareness.
  • An ability to focus and retain information
  • Fear of death is eliminated
  • Answers to personal issues
  • Past lives
  • Future lives
  • Spiritual knowledge
  • Heightened telepathy
  • Feeling of enhance well-being

This astral travel guided meditation offers you a very safe way of exploring your immediate surroundings, until such times as you feel confident in your ability to astral travel.

Aim to work on astral travelling when you are in a relaxed state. Ensure that you haven’t just eaten, or that you have an empty stomach.

To work with Ascended Master Melchizedek and achieve good results in astral travel, it is important that you practice this astral travel guided meditation regularly.

Working with Ascended Master Melchizedek in this astral travel guided meditation, you will find an easy way of attaining an out of body experience. The more you practice this astral travel meditation on a regular basis, the easier it will be for you to experience a higher state of consciousness.

Connect with Ascended Master Melchizedek and learn how to lift your astral body so you can begin to travel astrally.

Interested in Astral Travel? Astral travel is sometimes referred to as OBE – Out of Body Experience.

1. Introduction  –  Glenn  04:05
2. Meditation  –  Glenn  28:57
3. Meditation  –  Jill  29:08


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