If you want to develop your ability to communicate with spirit it is very important that you understand which spiritual skill you are strongest in.
Many people make the mistake of trying to see spirit and become very despondent when they can't see. But have you ever realised that if your biggest skill is being able to sense spirit, and you're focusing upon trying to see spirit, then you will be missing all the messages from your guides and angels?
If you're not sure of what your spiritual strengths are, take a look at the list that follows and try to identify which is your strongest, and which is your weakest areas. We all have within us spiritual strengths. By understanding our spiritual strengths we're able to connect to our spirit guides and angels more effectively.
No one spiritual strength is better than any other. Once you're able to identify your spiritual strengths, you will be able to look to developing that strength, to enable you to progress along your spiritual pathway.
Clairvoyance - Someone who possesses clairvoyance as their main spiritual strength, is a visual person. They learn best by being visually stimulated rather than through hearing or touch. They have the unique ability to view life from another person's point of view. Clairvoyants tend to be optimistic people who have the ability to see outside the box, for creative answers.
Clairaudience - Someone who possess clairaudience as their main spiritual strength will find their inspiration through thoughts and ideas in their head. Those with clairaudient abilities are born leaders, and have a tendency to want to forge ahead. At times they can appear aggressive, but this is because they have a thirst for knowledge and crave achievement.
Clairsentient/Healing - Those with healing as their main spiritual strength will be sensitive to others feelings. They have a tendency to want to heal situations, or make a difference. They are great at understanding how a person feels and tend to work in areas that are service orientated.
Prophecy - Those with prophecy as their main spiritual strength tend to be orchestrator's; able to handle a wide range of tasks at any one time and also good at promoting and inspiring others into action.
Which is your strongest gift?
Tick or give yourself a point for each statement that applies to you in the following categories and the category which has the most ticks is your strongest gift, then look at what your category has the second most ticks this is your second strongest gift etc.
Whilst we have a strong trait, we all have times when a different gift may be more useful, so having this awareness will help you recognise how you work with energy and spirit, and what you can do to develop your gifts further.
Has inner hunches or knowing about the future.
Often sees things others can't.
Has the ability to see outside the box.
Accomplished in their chosen profession.
Has a creative eye.
With training, can channel spirit.
Tends to be artistic and philosophical.
Likes to be involved with others and is inquisitive.
Enthusiastic about new projects.
Has empathy for all things.
Has strong morals.
Good at taking charge.
May use dreams to prophesy future events.
Has strong intuition.
Quick to learn and understand things.
Can be flamboyant and dramatic.
Very visual person; thinks in pictures.
Positive person who likes beauty and harmony.
Tends to see things from all angles.
Good at seeing people for what they really are.
Has empathy and compassion for others.
Likes to help people fulfil their potential.
Good at organising things.
Is able to lead people to success.
Has a thirst for knowlegde.
May see colours or aura's around people.
Intelligent, quick off the mark.
Can see between the lines.
Wants to be noticed and make a difference.
Listens to the thoughts and inspirations inside the head.
Likes to be in charge.
Likes things short and sweet.
Good at helping others with spiritual growth.
Overcomes obstacles through persistence.
Respects themselves and others.
Calls a spade a spade.
Empathic towards others feelings.
Quick to make decisions.
Doesn't like to be told what to do.
Likes things short and to the point.
Very strong when challenged.
Good at influencing others.
Change agent, doesn't like to stick to the status quo.
Also known as a healer.
Intuitively knows how others are feeling.
Serene and unassuming.
Able to tell when someone is upset.
Likes to touch people to make a connection.
Good at making others feel better.
Will be sociable and have many acquaintances.
Has a very caring considerate attitude.
Tends to be drawn to humanitarian themes.
Happiest when working with their hands.
Always tries to have deep meaningful relationships.
Deeply intellectual.
Puts others before themselves.
Generous to a fault.
Finds abundance in simple things.
If you'd like to learn more about discovering your spiritual gifts, and how to work with them to develop yourself, click here