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Writer's pictureJill Harrison - AngelMessenger

Archangel Metatron - Sunset or Sunrise?

Channelled Monday 8 August 2022


At this time, when so many of you are wondering about where you are and what is unfolding, I urge all of you not to lose sight of the present moment. Have you ever thought about a future event and experienced butterfly sensations in your stomach? Those sensations abound when you tap into the energies of what is to be, however, how much better would your lives be, how much more understanding would you gain if you spent time focusing on the energies within the present moment?

Focusing on future events means that often you miss out on the potential of what is being transformed in the current moment, and you also lack the ability to nurture the seeds of your future.

Everything really is in divine alignment; whilst it may seem things are out of control, right now, somewhere in the world, the sun is rising, and in another place in the world, it is setting; everything is happening at the same time, it is only your perspective that makes the experience you're having unique to you. So let us apply this to where you are and what is unfolding for you.

Is your perspective that what is occurring is terrible or wonderful? Using the analogy of the setting and rising of the sun, are you only under the illusion that something is setting in your life? Are you not giving enough credence that something is also rising, being birthed into this moment?

On the earth plane, it can be so easy to allow the dense energies to blinker your understanding and sight. Your intuition is the voice of reason, and by learning to hear your intuition and allow your intuition to help you see, you will begin to see a difference in the world that you didn’t realise was already there.

A negative thought is a downward spiral of energy which, if you choose to attach to it, can take you further into the mire of doom and gloom.

A positive thought is an upward spiral of energy which, if you choose to attach to it, can take you into the realm of potentials, possibilities and opportunities.

There are also thoughts which tap into polarity spirals of energies which keep you at cross purposes. So what energy are you tapping into today? Where are your thoughts taking you?

Your actions today, are they focused on the inadequacies of others, the conspiracies of others? The unfairness of life?

Or are you focusing on holding your vibration, trusting that whatever is unfolding is here to help you take another step in your own evolution of understanding and experiencing?

Life is very much like being at a train station; each train is a choice which can take you on a journey of experience. In your suitcase is the knowledge and skills you have learnt to this point. When you step onto the train, your action determines the direction you go in. Are you blindly making choices or taking action without checking in with your higher self?

Just like those butterflies I mentioned earlier, is what you’re about to say or do creating butterflies? Think of butterflies as confirmation that you’re about to take an upward and exciting train that leads you in a beautiful new direction. If you don’t get butterflies, you may find yourself at cross purposes of where you want to be, and if you get an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of your stomach, you may be taking a train that takes you to the underground.

The vast majority of a human’s time is spent in trying to safeguard what it has and protect itself from the unknown, but the unknown is only an experience you haven’t had yet and life is about experiencing as many things as you possibly can. In the realm of spirit, you learn everything, but here on Earth is where you get to experience something. If you avoid something, you’re avoiding experiencing it and you cannot progress.

You can spend today worrying about what might happen or hoping something will happen, instead, focus on just being in this moment, really appreciate that at this moment, you are breathing, you are ok and that everything is in divine alignment. Free up your own energies because when you do this, you immediately move into the flow of the universe; from here you then allow yourself to experience what is divinely being made available to you.

Life really can be as simple, busy, straightforward or complex as you choose to make it; spending time worrying won’t change what is; worrying only affects what you feel and experience, and right now, the sun can either set or rise for you, you can’t stop the sun setting or rising, but you can choose how to see it and experience it.

Give yourself a chance and let butterflies be your guide to which train you take next.


Archangel Metatron

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1 Comment

Aug 08, 2022

Beautiful message, thank you A. Metatron and Jill 🙏✨💜

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