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Personal Channelled Angel Reading

Personal Channelled Angel Reading


In this reading, I will channel your current guiding Archangel or Ascended Master so they can reveal what you have carried from your past, into the present and how this affects your current situation. It tells you what aspects of yourself are hindering your ability to experience fulfilment and happiness.



Your personal channelled angel reading will reveal what the future may bring for you, based on the patterns and trends of the present. And remember, your future is never set in stone. If you like the outcome, then you will be shown how to continue in the positive trend.


In the event you do not wish the predicted outcome to become reality, you then will have the opportunity to work to change any predictions given. Remember that your angel will help you with this re-organisation so that you can experience the best possible outcome for yourself based on your personal set of circumstances.


You may be introduced to your angelic helpers, how you can connect with them for continued guidance and which archangel overlooks your pathway in this lifetime. You'll also learn which spiritual gifts are strongest and how to use them to make better life choices. Allow me to channel your angels to help you with specific areas in your life. The Archangels will answer any specific questions you wish, to show you what factors currently influence the situation and what your challenge or opportunity is within the circumstances you are in.


The gift in this reading is a personal channelled message from your angels to help you understand your challenges and work through them, or to recognise and respond to any future opportunities.


Please note this reading is channelled and may bring guidance through what you 'need' to hear, rather than you 'want' to hear. It is therefore important you are open to hearing what the angels have to say regardless of whether it supports what you're hoping to hear.

  • Important Please Read

    Please let us have your full name at birth and the date of your birth in the format of day/month/year when you place your order so that Jill can channel your angel for you. 

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