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70 Etheric Healing & Spiritual Healing Meditation MP3

70 Etheric Healing & Spiritual Healing Meditation MP3

SKU: MP31070

Accessing The Multi-Universal Etheric Stargate For Healing & Guidance with Archangel Metatron


This particular healing and spiritual guidance meditation is taken from our online home study course, in this beautiful meditation experience being infused with love, light and multi-dimensional healing eneregies to help you learn how to raise, anchor and connect with other worldly civilisations and beings of the light.


This particular healing meditation will guide you through the etheric stargate. Explore how to recognise and raise your soul’s vibrational frequencies to fully awaken soul remembrance of another of your incarnations within the multi-dimensional universes, merge with and access the etheric universal stargate for healing and guidance, before channelling multi-universal energies to help heal planet Earth at this time.


Accessing the universal etheric stargate will awaken and rebuild the neural pathways within the physical brain so that new energies, higher-self wisdom’s can be revealed to assist you with your journey in this lifetime.


A love and light infusion of energies will enable you to learn more about your highest purpose and potential and how to bring those ancient gifts and wisdom into the current life you are experiencing.


If you feel called to work in service for spirit and you are seeking the next step, or sign of what you could, should or need to do, then this particular spiritual healing meditation will help you in solving the issues you feel challenged in.


Those who feel drawn to this healing meditation would be advised to listen to their intuition for there is a reason why you are drawn to this.


Please be aware that new higher-light dimensional guides may be assigned to you should you choose to take part in this spiritual healing meditation and if you are assigned these new guides, then you must be committed to working on your spiritual path and assisting the world in planetary healing.

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