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41 Ishtar Lord of Light – Angel Healing Meditation MP3

41 Ishtar Lord of Light – Angel Healing Meditation MP3

SKU: MP31041

This is No.41 within the series of trance-channelled angel guided meditation MP3’s, through Avatara, Jill Harrison.


This is a very special and unique meditation, because in August 2011, Jill had first contact with a being called Ishtar, a being who works with the Lord’s of Light, who are a group of 144,000 universal light beings.


Within the spiritual realm the ‘spirit’ of a human is known as a candle of God, Light, the one-conscious energy, and Ishtar tells us that they combine their ‘spirit’, their light, to help facilitate human evolution, ascension and healing.


They are called Lords because when they are united and work as one, they have considerable influence over the evolution of this universe. They all work to help raise dense energies and transform them into higher vibrations, helping to reflect cosmic consciousness into the earth plane to keep balance.


The Lord’s of Light felt it appropriate to offer us all great healing and upliftment at this time, a time of change, transformation and perhaps discomfort for many.

We have said on numerous occasions, that we are in testing times, and spirit continue to hi-light the point, that our ability to heal and see through this period of change, lies within our own hands.


Ishtar offers you a most healing guided meditation, working with light and colour throughout the whole body to help free you of old paradigms, belief systems and old karmic energy.


He tells us that ascension is primarily about changing frequencies, altering light energies, and this wonderful meditation gives you the opportunity to realign your energies to the changes that are taking place upon Mother Earth, easing dis-comfort and offering vibrational upliftment.


There is an abundance of spiritual love and healing available to you at all times, but you are the one responsible for your spiritual growth and this means holding the intent to grow and evolve, and then requesting help, so that you are able to embrace all that spirit have to offer you, allowing you to transcend lower, dense negative energies.


1. Introducton – Glenn  04:05

2. Meditation – Glenn  22:51
3. Meditation – Jill  25:20


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