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84 – Cleansing & Healing Personal Energy Fields

84 – Cleansing & Healing Personal Energy Fields

SKU : MP31084


As you are pure life force energy in human form, everything you are, do and experience is part of an energetic exchange. This means you absorb energies from other people and places, and you also have other people absorb some of your own energies too.

Before you begin your day, it can be really beneficial to cleanse and heal your own personal energy fields to protect you from the onslaught of the daily energies you will be subjected to whilst travelling, meeting others and working. Learning to cleanse your energy fields ensures that you are able to protect your own boundaries thereby ensuring your day is positive and flows well. It ensures your emotional, physical, mental and spiritual bodies are functioning at their optimal capacity.

When you have finished for the day, it’s also important to remember that you will be carrying the energies from your meetings with others and your workplace back into your home too, having uncleansed energy fields can mean that you may struggle to sleep well in the evening. You may feel agitated or anxious and find it difficult to let go of your day. Cleansing your energy fields at night will help you to eradicate energies that do not belong to you. 

When your energy fields are not cleansed you can experience one or some of the following:-

  • A sense of unease or agitation
  • Feel sad or depressed
  • Feel angry or irritated but not really know why
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Feeling stressed
  • Lack of energy
  • Water retention/weight gain
  • Bad luck
  • Electrical equipment experiences glitches (e.g. Computer crashes)
  • People around you are not as friendly as they usually are

Clearing our energy fields isn’t something that is done just once, it is an ongoing practice which ensures, just like car maintenance, that our energy fields are running at their most healthiest and highest levels. This particular clearing your energy fields meditation will help you to achieve a deep cleansing and healing of your energy bodies.  When you cleanse your energy fields regularly you will be able to: – 

  • Feel more in control of your life
  • Experience an upturn in good things happening to you
  • Attract positive people into your life
  • Help to energise others and environments with your strong energy fields
  • Keep your immune system strong and healthy
  • Sleep peacefully with ease
  • Manifest more easily
  • Feel happier
  • Become more engaged with life
  • Release physical and emotional pain
  • Raise your own vibration to a higher frequency
  • Boost your body’s ability to heal and repair itself.
  • Increase the chakra energies for optimal flow
  • Expand your own intuitive abilities, particularly your clairsentience abilities.

If you’ve been wanting to experience a significant shift in your life so you feel more joy, passion and self-love, this guided meditation will assist you in moving into the flow of abundance and life quickly and easily. 

In this cleansing and healing your personal energy fields guided meditation, you’ll discover how to create and charge your own base energies, before building your grid of light for total healing and rejuvenation. This meditation is recorded twice, one for the morning with specific music to help you really tune into the energies of what you are doing and then it is repeated again but this time, with relaxing music to help lull you into a peaceful nights sleep. 

Discover the secrets to creating a radiant healthy and happy life by
learning how to cleanse your own personal energy fields today!

Enhance your meditation practice with one of our Aura Sprays available here

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