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54 Archangel Metatron – Guardian Angel Attunement Meditation MP3

54 Archangel Metatron – Guardian Angel Attunement Meditation MP3

SKU : MP31054

Throughout our lives, we form many deep and meaningful relationships, some perhaps more long standing than others, but nonetheless, most will have a significant impact upon us.


Whether you are spiritual or not, each of us, as individual souls, are already connected with the most important spiritual entity to us, and who is with us throughout all our lives, and that is our Guardian Angel.


In angel guided meditation No.55 Archangel Metatron trance-channels through Avatara Jill Harrison, to bring a Guardian Angel Attunement Meditation.

Through Jill, Archangel Metatron tells us that each guardian angel is given charge of caring for one particular soul for eternity. Your guardian angel acts as your main mediator between God and you.


The role of a guardian angel is to help you attain self-realisation, sometimes referred to as enlightenment. Whatever experience you have, your guardian angel will encourage, inspire, console, comfort and heal you. Your guardian angel will often imbue you with energies to help you endure some of life’s hardest lessons.

Even knowing all of this, it can sometimes feel like you are completely alone when you are experiencing difficult times. You may often call out for your guardian angel to help you, and feel let down when you don’t have your expectations met. This is where this wonderful meditation can help you.


Archangel Metatron will assist you in awakening your third eye so that you may consciously connect to the Angelic Realm, and attune your energy levels, so that your communion with your guardian angel is enhanced.


This attunement allows you to feel an exchange of energy, and to feel the divine blessings from your guardian angel. You may experience this connection as beautiful colours or symbols, perhaps immense feelings of warmth, peace and love. Understand, that the proof of this attunement is individual and entirely unique to you; your guardian angel using signals that best relate to you alone.


The Angelic Realm wish for us all to enjoy, and have faith in our powerful connection with them. So along side our Guardian Angel Attunement MeditationArchangel Metatron has given a unique and specific blend of essential oils, which we have incorporated into a Guardian Angel Soul Spray and Body Lotion, designed to be sprayed and/or massaged into the skin, to enhance attunement and connection even further.


This is actually a wonderful meditation to do prior to performing our angel guided meditation No.1Meeting Your Guardian Angel, with Archangel Metatron, where you are shown how to  manifest your guardian angel. This allows you time to ask questions you may have of them. This type of connection is designed for the specific purpose of communicating with your guardian angel, as opposed to a lasting attunement.


Each time you do the Guardian Angel Attunement Meditation, the time and experience you have with your guardian angel, will change as your energies become stronger and stronger.


You want to feel consistently, the presence of your guardian angel in your life. There are spiritual laws which govern your guardian angels role, and dictate that it is forbidden to interfere with free will. However, by attuning in this way, you may experience much more strongly, and become aware of those gentle nudges our guardian angels make on a daily basis, encouraging you to take the path of least resistance, lessening pain and frustration.


When you are connected in this way, it allows you the faith and the ability to overcome any challenge. This is a wonderful gift to yourself.



1. Introduction  Glenn  –  04:05
2. Meditation  Glenn  –  39:41
3. Meditation  Jill  –  35:39


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