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05 Archangel Raphael Meditation – Spiritual Surgery MP3

05 Archangel Raphael Meditation – Spiritual Surgery MP3

SKU : MP31005


Connect with Archangel Raphael in this beautiful meditation. Journey to Archangel Raphael’s Spiritual Surgery and receive powerful healing and transformative energies within your etheric body. Experience your auric field in 3D so you can repair it. Reset your energy fields which in turn will cleanse and wash away dark or dull areas in your aura. Re-energise your energy fields and turbo-boost your immune system.

Ultimate healing can only be achieved when the focus is placed upon all the layers of our spiritual selves.

Draw energy from Archangel Raphael and promote healing in any sensitive areas held within your physical, mental or emotional bodies, giving you energy for empowerment and change. Feel the wonderful love energy that flows to you as you visualise past loved ones and friends around you. This is energy that can take you forward with your spiritual evolution.

Receive healing from Archangel Raphael and experience ultimate balance and harmony in your mind, body and spirit.

  • Experience a deep, profound, and angel healing.
  • Release stress and tension.
  • Boost your immune system.
  • Release toxicity in your body and raise your energy body’s vibration.
  • Experience mental clarity and free yourself from mental fog.
  • Transform your emotional state from negative to positive.
  • Attune and tap into greater peace, calm and happiness.

It’s So Easy To Receive Angel Healing From Archangel Raphael!

Let Archangel Raphael reset your energies thereby helping you to heal faster on all levels. When you reset your energy fields you enable yourself to embrace peace. Once you achieve a sense of inner peace, you can tap into powerful positivity and empowerment. This Archangel Raphael guided meditation is so simple to do. Just relax, close your eyes and listen to the guided narration. You’ll be gently relaxed and guided, enabling you to meet with Archangel Raphael for deep spiritual angel healing. This meditation is so relaxing, even if you fall asleep during your meditation, you will still receive Archangel Raphael’s healing energies.

This is number 5 in a series of guided meditations for spiritual and personal development; directly from the Archangels and Ascended Masters through trance-channeller Jill Harrison.


  • Introduction  –  Glenn  04:05
  • Meditation  –  Glenn  28:26
  • Meditation  –  Jill  28:30

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