Jill Harrison - AngelMessenger

Jul 21, 20213 min

Starseed Essentials - The Power of the Ankh


As a starseed being you will already have deep within your soul's conscience, all the knowledge and wisdom you gained whilst in your Atlantis or Egyptian incarnations. These tools that you used then now need to be reawakened, so they may empower and support you in the run up to the Earth's higher light activations that will take place later in your human year known as 2021.

At the time of Atlantis and Ancient Egypt, there were Starseed technologies which had the potential to destroy anyone who tried to work with the energies that wasn't a vibrational match for the technology they were trying to use. Indeed, even today, there are scientists who are trying to recreate these tools to simulate the ancient technologies. These scientists are supported by various governments of your world under the guise of the Artic Council. They worked with the old Greys for many years, in an attempt to replicate the technologies for greater power, immortality and control

As a Starseed, it is important to protect your energy fields whilst the mass consciousness energies are currently so negative. Wearing a pure 9 carat gold ankh at this time is important because it aligns the wearer with the stargate portals in the multiverse and enables the wearer access with the other dimensions.

Why the Ankh? The ankh is a portal key. When it is made of pure gold, it resonates with the Chi energy of the multiveser which stimulates and aligns the human energy fields, in particular, the chakras, and it enables the human body to create a powerful vortex which supports the connection of the lower soul with the higher soul.

At the same time, the Ankh is a multiversal transmitter, which means when worn, it enables the wearer to receive vital orgone energy. Ancient Egyptians were taught how to use the ankh to travel freely throughout the multiverse for they understood that the Earth's vibration was too low to enable the human body to be able to maintain the balance of its sacred energy vibration needed for dimensional travel. This is why humans suffer from frequent energy imbalances. The golden ankh helps the soul to tap into the ancient knowledge and this is extremely powerful however, it isn't a case of just wearing an Ankh and all is revealed, the wearer need to slowly increase their vibrational field prior to wearing the Ankh.

You have to be able to understand and feel the subtle energy changes. It is a human trait to want instant results, but a true initiate understands the importance of activating their lightbody through patience, truth, faith and trust. It is waiting for the vibration to feel completely right, and for the ego to be still and diffused that the initiate knows the time has come to wear honourably the sacred portal key. It may take more than one attempt before you can feel the energy changing, the longer it takes you, the greater the impact the ankh will hold for you.

Should you attempt this without a high-vibrational facilitator, you must give yourself time to notice how the subtle energies feel within your heart. For example, does the integrity of the vibration resonate? Is there perfect clarity with your intuition? Are you able to discern the differences in subtle energy changes? Much of this awareness calls for you to be perfectly still to notice the oh-so subtle changes taking place.

We shall begin to transmit the mystery school keycode initiations shortly. Should you feel you are now in a position where you are ready to step back into a fully empowered starbeing, then these keycode initiations will help you to activate the crystalline chromosones of your soul's blueprint. We will once more teach you, how to access the related power of the Ankh, of crystals and other sacred tools.

We feel the time has come to show you which combinations of tools you can use to open portals for healing, transmutation and travel. From the basic elements of wood through to the power of crystals, we will show you how to recognise a true instrument of power rather than a fabricated icon you would purchase in a store. Until then, begin to initiate yourself in the power of prayer and energy awareness. Words have power. When they come from a place of love, great things can manifest.

Next time we will begin to offer you simple spiritual quests that you can do begin to practice, so that you can begin to see the power that dwells within you. Until then, may the light always serve and support you.

