Jill Harrison - AngelMessenger

May 12, 20214 min

The Multiversal Mission - Taking A Quantum Shift In Reality


At the most basic element of everything is the energy of Divine Creation. Divine creation is the very heartbeat of all forms of life. In every dimension, every polarity field, everything is simultaneously seeking to discover, create and learn on every level of consciousness.

Divine Creation built an entire multiverse on unconditional love. When you came into being you wanted to explore life in a third world reality. The journey of physical life was and is the experiment and experience you wanted to be challenged upon.

Just like us, we are always in a state of learning, growing and evolving. We have come through very similar experiences that you now find yourself in. Due to the denseness of Earth's energies it can be easy to forget why you came into being on Earth. However, if you shift your awareness to what is really unfolding not just on Earth, but one a multiversal level, Everything is facing challenges on one level or another. Those challenges help us all learn about ourselves, the reality which is created around us and through all those challenges, or lessons, if you prefer you forge an evolutionary path.

To change your reality or improve your reality, changing how you view yourself, others, life and your world is intrinsic in making quantum leaps in your awareness and what reality you experience. Every moment you have the opportunity to change because before you right now you are surrounded by multiversal potentiality.

Every habit, characteristic, belief, behaviour can be modified. As we have said many times before, you are not your body, you are pure awareness, pure consciousness, as are we and that means you actually alive as energy, outside of space and time.

Once you understand that your consciousness, you, the very unique form of energy that forms itself to create the version you see today, has everything it needs to create, build, improve, alter, reform everything.

So many humans are lost, unhappy and lonely that they allow the reality of Earth to create prisons which they feel they have no outlet or chance of ever escaping unless they have a physical death. The ability to transform and create from within is lost.

Upon the point of physical death, a soul will explore how much of its own potential was fulfilled. Many humans who have had physical near death experiences often relate stories of seeing their life flash before their eyes. What they were actually seeing and being given was the opportunity to understand the process of life and how much they managed to achieve. Particular insight is given to the challenges that a soul faced, and there is a repeating pattern within souls who have had an earthly experience and that is they forgot they are creative energy and how to use that energy to open and expand what they were dealing with.

Whether you are on Earth, Arcturus, Algalithian, Vega, Lyra, Pleiades or somewhere else, you cannot exist without something to challenge you in some way or another. Unhappiness, depression, anxiety, feeling stifled all unfold when the creative energy is being suppressed. This means the very life force energy that you are is being restricted.

Life force energy when suppressed puts extreme pressure on the physical body. How much of your own life gives you the scope to be creative? If what you do is mindless, routine, un-stimulating, the life force energy is suppressed and when life force energy is suppressed you physically exhaust yourself on all levels.

The reality you exist in is offering you a plethora of opportunities to expand your own creative life force energy. With everything you are facing, and here we wish to emphasise everything, explore why you are experiencing this, explore what you have done or not done to manifest this experience and then explore what you're learning about yourself, others and the experience.

Start to look at your current life and explore how you can use your own creativity, we all possess the ability to create what is meaningful and purposeful to you. As creative energy, the spark which begins everything is the idea or the intention. Give yourself time to incubate your intention or idea. Some may even say meditate on it, explore the potentiality, the possibilities and allow your creative energy to begin to germinate the original creative seed.

When you then see a path or a way forward, do something, take action. If you hit a block on your path, return back to incubating on your original plan, once more exploring potentialities and possibilities. The more playful and creative you are, the more your reality changes into one of joy and wholeness.

Reality is formed through what you give your attention, your life force energy to. You cannot grow from what you have already experienced, you can only grow from what is yet undiscovered within your current form. Be aware of what those things around you which create automation. Automation is where the creative element within you is suppressed, where you do things automatically, without thinking, without awareness, without being. Learn to make space every day for you to tune out the reality around you and tune into the creative divine energy you are. When you are fully in tune with your own creative divine energy, it is then you are in full flow with the multiversal energy where all things are possible.

The multiversal mission is to explore, learn and grow which means there is a source of greater consciousness, greater awareness available to you. All you have to do, is be willing to change your reality, by changing your perception of what you can do and removing the barriers that you thought existed. If you can do that, then, you will have made a quantum leap in consciousness, soul growth and the reality you create for yourself.

Be in joy, be in love always


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