Jill Harrison - AngelMessenger

Mar 30, 20214 min

The Divine Plan For Humanity Is Changing

Have you ever wondered why you are, where you are?

Every soul brings into the world a presence of light. This light, along with the light of other souls and the divine world of spirit emanates light vibrations to support planet Earth with planetary awakening. This means that you are linked genetically and energetically with everything through light.

Light integration into planet Earth has been changing quite rapidly over the past few years. This means that the divine plan for humanity has to change. Everything that unfolds and occurs on planet Earth has a direct impact upon the parallel dimensions of the multiverse. The galactic councils of the higher worlds have agreed they did not expect some of the changes to occur as quickly as they have, however, this is not detrimental, but very encouraging to see so many humans are now beginning to understand the need to take full responsibility for the projection of their own life path.

As planet Earth shifts in frequency, it spirals through your universe along with the other planets into higher frequencies of consciousness. As planet Earth moves into these higher frequencies so too does the collective consciousness of humanity.

You all now have a wonderful opportunity to integrate and merge your light body with your crystalline body. This has to happen in order for you to integrate and fully function through 7th, 8th and 9th-dimensional frequencies in preparation for your own ascension.

The vibration of light and sound penetrates all levels of creation. Each vibration forms gateways between interdimensional, multidimensional, parallel and dimensional realms. Your ascension journey is about recognising your ability to draw on the light of your past, the light of your future, along with the light of your present to help you integrate soul knowledge and understanding.

The way in which you work with energy is very important. You have to know how energy moves in you, through you and how to direct your energy. We call this 'the power'. Learn to control your power. The basic chakra system from the root to the crown controls how the energy moves through you via your DNA. We have already taught you all to understand that your innate being programs your DNA. To exist in the higher realms, you have to learn to redirect, reprogram how your energy flows through you.

Earlier we asked for you to begin working on flushing through and activating your pineal and pituitary glands with light. It is now time to expand on this. If you have done as we guided, you should have already felt a major shift in how you perceive and feel energies. Every time you work on controlling your power, you affect your metabolism and the chemical balance of your physical body. In particular, as you work more with controlling and directing your energies, your hormonal system, which governs your behaviour will also begin to undergo an awakening, particularly in your emotional body.

Now that you have mastered clearing the pineal and pituitary glands. For the coming week, we ask that you begin to use your power to flush the spine of old residue energy.

Your spine holds the DNA of your past lives. Each vertebra is set to a specific frequency and depending on karmic influences, your root chakra determines the flow of crystalline Earth energy through your physical body. At the same time, the crown chakra determines the flow of multiversal crystalline energy through your physical body based on the frequencies held within your spine.

When you reach a specific level in your own ascension path, it becomes necessary for the flow of light, the flow of energy, to be rerouted in a different way through your physical body. If the flow of energy is unable to be rerouted, it creates physical pressure in your emotional body and causes dysfunction within the glandular and lymphatic systems in the human body.

To assist you in ensuring this is not the case with yourselves, we wish you to begin to magnetically practise drawing light through your physical body in a particular sequence to help your subtle bodies including your emotional and mental body facilitate healing and transcendence of your vibrational fields.

When you consciously focus on something, your thoughts become magnetised. We want you to practice beginning to draw through your body golden light. Try to memorise the following and do this before retiring each evening. This way, it will enable the energies you have created to be fully anchored and activated into your energy bodies.

Sit with your eyes closed and bring your awareness to your breath.

Make a point of breathing as deeply as you possibly can and be aware that the breath is light, golden light. Draw the golden light in through the crown chakra, down through your spine, all the way down into your root chakra. As you breathe out the light, allow the light to exit out down through both legs and out through your feet into the Earth.

On your next in-breath, draw the light up through your feet into your root chakra, draw the light up through your spine and as you breathe out the light, allow the light to exit up and out through your crown chakra.

Repeat the process for a minimum of five minutes. If you are able to focus and do this for longer the more you will clear and initiate spiritual transformation.

We will be following on from this shortly, and we have communicated with our channel here, the need to begin ascension integration classes for you all. We hope that you will join us so we can teach you how to create new foundations of light for world healing.

If you need support, we encourage you to call upon us and give us permission to help you in manifesting sufficient light so that you can clear away old karmic residue help within your physical body.

So it is

