Jill Harrison - AngelMessenger

Apr 1, 20217 min

Spirit Consciousness Connections - Changing The Communication

Greetings, I AM Smeme (pronounced S'mem)

I AM here in service to humanity. As an Algalithian Elder, a former founder of humanoid life on Earth along with Aletheia, I would like to offer you an opportunity to greater understand the big shifts that are taking place, why they are taking place and what this means in terms of your ability to consciously communicate with those divine beings who are non-existent in human form but exist within the many parallel worlds and dimensions within our multiverse.

Shortly in the history of humanity a number of great vibrational shifts will take place. These vibrational shift will take place in human time on the 27th April, 26th May and the 24th June of the year 2021AD. Each of these particular dates will gift earth with a beautiful new energy vibration which support the melding of your soul's higher-self with its physical self. Corporeally there is nothing that is required of humanity, these shifts have been integrated to assist humanity in by-passing the older dense energies which held humanity steadfastly to linear/logical thinking.

The way in which humanity will now communicate will begin to change. These vibrational shifts will begin to alter the way in which the human brain perceives itself and life. They will affect human behaviour initially in subtle ways but over the coming days and months they will anchor into the human to initialise deeper awakening of the soul and it's purpose upon earth.

Humanity has for a long time now been on a precipice which pushes them and planet earth to extinction. There is no nice way to put this, and the time for soft words, gentle coaxing is over. That said, it is only when humanity is on the brink of destruction does the soul's need for survival click into place and true effective change occurs.

For the sake of not just your planet but also the multiverse, humanity has to awaken to the realisation that the planet is sick, your governments, your economies, the state of your own mental and physical health are seriously ill and things have to change. Humanity has to seriously begin to consider its future and the future of any generations to come.

The aim of these great consciousness shifts are to begin to help all humanity see the need to come together regardless of creed, colour, race, or anything else you often use to discriminate and judge one another. The tribal memories of your ancestors have been ignored and forgotten. The way in which you originally worked in harmony with your planet long forgotten.

It is time for humanity to begin to think about the monumental impact it has had on the planet Earth and what needs to be done to begin restoring Earth back to its former glory.

So how does humanity begin to heal itself and planet Earth? It has to overcome its fixation with duality. Duality in self and duality in nature. Let me give you an example. A person wakes on a Monday and through Monday to Saturday lives a logical, repetitious life. Work, Rest, Eat and Sleep. On a Sunday however, this person goes to a religious place and turns their attention towards a deity. Time is spent praying, listening to sermons or teachings. The consciousness shifts from the duality of a human being into a spiritual being. Afterwards, the human then reverts back to being a human being. The spiritual guidance forgotten, the humbleness forgotten. Human nature has developed a habit for seeing the negative most of the time instead of the positive. Humanity has developed a habit for hatred, judgement, critical analysis rather than compassion, love and community.

Pause for a moment, consider what, before you began to receive my communication, where your consciousness was placed and in what. Were you seeing others and believing them different to yourself? Were you listening to or taking part in accepting something was wrong, or wasn't to your taste? Were you dealing with something that had a negative impact on you?

What filters do you have in your mind which inhibit you from stepping outside of the duality? What filters do you have which keep you only using the logical, critical, analytical side? These are all things you should continually be aware of, if you're not aware of them, you are living a life half asleep.

It is because humanity seem to have such a hard time awakening, that the galactic federation for the continuation of the multiverse are combining their efforts to help humanity at this time. You are not, by any means, the only planet which is out of balance, but it is one of the more strategic planets, which is why it merits such major transitional support.

On April 27th, 2021AD, a merging on a collective conscious level will begin to help humanity begin to develop a different perception. This will boost the impact the right side of the human brain has upon the decision making process and on perception. The benefit of this merge is that where as before you had to spend a lot of time preparing for spiritual communication, for example going into prayer or meditation, using breathing techniques to move your energy levels into the right vibration. The ability for communication with spiritual beings, we call them spiritual beings, because they are not in human form, will be more instantaneous.

There are great benefits for humanity with this particular energy shift. As you begin to integrate these new energies, the way in which you think, perceive and feel, will shift too. Information that you did not have prior knowledge of, will begin to surface from your souls akashic records. If you're an old soul this is a wonderful time for you to recall your ancestral knowledge and the remembrance of the ways those times you lived in harmony with Earth.

Rememberance of your spiritual evolvement and the need for connection with Earth will slowly take precedence, as more and more of humanity recognise how sick Earth and the structures you've all created are unstable.

There is much inner healing to be done, your battle with duality, the battle between the darkness within you and the light within you has to begin. Technologically and intellectually you have all advanced, but on a human level you have moved backwards spiritually, away from your soul connection to Earth. In your race to have more, do more, be more, you have forgotten how to be still, how to be content and how to be at peace with yourself and others. The 'I' has replaced the 'We'.

It is time to consciously select the potential in each moment. What next? What am I doing in terms of learning to step away from duality? Is it possible to see duality but find the zero point where all potential exists? When you experience something, are you opting to see the wholeness in what has just unfolded? Can you begin to listen or perceive without bias?

Just like learning a new language or a new process, it is possible, but it requires you to retrain your brain and for you to step aside from all the voices that are in your head. How many people's beliefs, values and perceptions live in your brain?

Think about this for a moment, from the moment you took your first breath, you have been fashioned and molded by your parents, siblings, grandparents, friends, teachers, society, media, the world around you. You have developed concepts which you believe to be true. At anyone time, a thought which you think is yours, could, in fact be an imprint, a voice of someone else which you have adopted and perceived as your own thoughts.

Humans use linear thinking. That means you have a beginning, middle and an ending. You start with one idea and then you expand, build, adapt that idea. Your brain goes through a trillion processes at an extremely fast speed, each thought you have creates an experience. It is the experience that is retained, for example seeing a doorway initiates a particular energy recall which you call memory. You have been told it is a door and you have experienced what it does and how to move through it. If, however, you had never had the experience of the doorway, you would explore it without any preconceived ideas. All the time your brain is processing trillions of data in a nano-second so you are know what to do, how to react. Everything you do is through a linear process.

To advance however, you have to begin to view everything in a non-linear way. To begin to see and process everything in a non-linear way you have to begin to consider all the potentials that can exist before you consciously do something. It requires you to be still, to ponder and look at the potentials that will come from each decision you make or each thing you say or think. Doing this, may at first seem very difficult, but what you are doing is training your brain to compute all the potentials, once it begins to grasp working in this way, it will offer you a myriad of possibilities so you can determine the most beneficial opportune way to respond. Can you see the difference this would make in your ability to navigate your life.

For now, try to begin asking yourself 'what if'. Look at something from all angles, considering the potential result that would occur with each action or thought you take. How many others will that action or thought affect? What will be impacted and how might that result in...?

It may be difficult to assimilate what we are trying to convey to you, but we will continue with this soon, as it is the stepping stone to helping you move beyond linear thinking and also how you perceive the world of spirit around you.

Until next time, make lists of all the future potentials with a problem or issue you have and see if you can arrive at a solution that serves the highest good for everyone concerned.

