Jill Harrison - AngelMessenger

Feb 23, 20215 min

Reawakening Gaia's Light - How To Achieve Higher Consciousness

As we have guided you before, your consciousness is not held in the brain but within the very fabric of your DNA. The power of your DNA determines what aspects of your brain remain dormant and which awaken.

Now that humanity is transitioning into higher states of awareness, the crystalline matrix held within the Earth is being upgraded. This means that the vibration of everything within the Earth is vibrating and attuning to the multiversal crystalline matrix.

Over the next five years, you will see humanity shifting dramatically into a new way of being, living, knowing and relating to all life forms. In particular the pineal gland is slowly being introduced to higher levels of photon energy. As this light is absorbed by the physical pineal gland, it begins to assist you in growing your awareness of vibration.

Sounds, colours, everything will begin to feel profound and multilevel. As these upgrades of the Earth's crystalline grid increase, you will begin to absorb more light and this means that you will begin also to break free of attachments that so many of you cling steadfastly too.

The collective consciousness is undergoing many changes at this time, we have been called into consciousness service to ensure that those constraints which kept you unaware of your true abilities are removed.

Some of you may already have had experiences where you have moved ahead of time in a nano-second and then back to your own time creating confusion about where you have been, or what you have just experienced. This is to help you see that in reality there are no time constraints limiting you or holding you back. As you begin to become more aware that time is illusionary, this will also biochemically change the need to age and the human body to deteriorate.

Your world is changing faster energetically than ever before. This past year, you have entered into a state of deep cleansing. You have had to undergo a lot of releasing on so many levels, that for some of you, it has struck at the very core of your being. Grief, sorrow, pain, these are all energetic forms which have to be released. The process of this type of release is not an easy one for those who have clung to the old ways of being and doing. Those who have held their hearts closed due to pain or fear, have found it particularly difficult. Sadly, some who were unable to allow themselves to let go, recognised the only conscious choice for them was to transition back to spirit form. There is to be in human time frames at least five years of these changes to undergo as you move through each stargate upgrade.

These changes are activing new gateways and as they open one by one, they will present to you the realisation that you are already capable of inter-dimensional, inter-multiversal travel without having to leave your own physical reality.

Spiritual awakening is often seen as a destination, but at the heart of all evolution, it merely is about entering the unknown and dealing with energetic changes. There is no final destination. Right now, humanities spiritual awakening is about mass consciousness awakening to the need to reclaim its divine nature. Humanity has been subjected to so much manipulation and control that the build up of this type of mass consciousness can only create energetic flux, in human terms you call this chaos.

As the energetic sequences of the divine order of the multiverse continue to ripple throughout every dimension, Earth will find sequential stages of conscious evolution taking place. Those who are still unwilling to let go of all that no longer serves them may find their lives becoming more confusing and troublesome. The more you resist what you know in your heart you should be doing, the greater the turmoil you will experience.

To evolve, to become pure of heart, you have to change the consistency of your own physical geometric light. The human body is light condensed into form. Your human body of light is affected by the energy and motion of your own thoughts. Energy and motion create Emotion. Your emotions emanate light vibrations out into the world and those emanations expand out throughout your galaxy and solar system, and then they are reflected back to you.

Hard to believe isn't it, that your thoughts right now are travelling faster than the speed of light, moving through your solar system and reflecting an outer-world reality you have created back into your own inner world?

To assist you at this time and also to help you anchor and embody the new higher levels of photon energy, we would ask you to begin to make time for your own energy work. To activate the sacred geometry matrix within your own physical bodies, we ask you to spend time when waking and prior to sleeping to fill your body with light frequencies.

In order to do this, we must have your permission to assist you, therefore call on your Algalithian Guides and give them permission to project the frequencies into your auric field so that your own sacred geometric matrix will begin to absorb the higher levels of photon energy.

All you have to do is call upon your Algalithian Guides and ask them to project the higher levels of photon energy into your aura so that you can upgrade your own sacred geometric matrix. Breathing regularly, yet deeply, focus on the energy coming into your body.

During this stage you may experience skin sensations or inner-ear sounds. Draw the energy down into the base of your spine and then as you release the breath, draw the energy back up through the chakras up to your third eye and then back into the throat.

Breathe in again, and repeat, creating a reciprocal loop of energy from your throat, down to the base of your spine and then back up, on the release of your breath into the third eye, before returning back to your throat chakra. These energies will activate and upgrade the sacred geomatric matrix within your body, which will increase your own inner light and the light of planet Earth. As you feed yourself with this energy, your own energy fields will undergo a realignment in preparation for the coming months.

Do this for as long as you can prior to sleeping. Do this upon awakening just five minutes, this will help you through the process of this new activation. You can do this during your day time, however we would recommend that you do this at night if possible. This is because the more you integrate these energies, the more likely you are to experience time shifting, energy fluctuations, which can creating 'voiding', the nearest translation we can give you of voiding is perhaps to experience everything as though you are in a vacuum. Symptoms of extreme tiredness and light-headedness are also experienced this can be best avoided by doing this at night.

Try during this process not to intellectualise what you experience, the more you can just move into allowing, the deeper the sacred geometric matrix of your physical body can be upgraded. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to practice the art of just being.

Until next time, know that it isn't about your mind understanding what is unfolding, but trusting that your heart and energetic bodies know implicitly everything that is divinely meant for you.

