Jill Harrison - AngelMessenger

May 28, 20215 min

Exploring Starseed Root Karma & Life Lessons


Every soul is a complex energy source driven and influenced by its current incarnation and past-life incarnations. Understanding your own starseed roots is extremely beneficial to helping you whilst earthbound. We feel it is important that at this time you do not view others as human but as a melting pot of galactic starseed travellers coming together to explore and experience planet Earth. Often Starseeds are thought of as spiritual beings, but spirituality has nothing to do with it, at the core of every soul are aspects from different experiences as different galactic beings.

Your past life incarnations set the foundations upon which your current incarnation is being experienced and every soul holds memories that are pertinent to being able to navigate their current life. For example, if your previous life had been on Arcturus, you will already have the ability to work with 5th and 6th-dimensional consciousness, so being Earthbound can mean you find life here on Earth particularly frustrating.

Many humans who existed on Arcturus during the Orion wars also have a real dislike for war and conflict. This means in human form, they tend to shy away from confrontation. They often struggle to maintain barriers that prevent them from absorbing other soul's energy frequencies which are lower in form.

Despite having the ability to energetically shift their frequencies at will, in human form, they often have forgotten this skill that resides within their soul's history. If your previous lifetime was on Arcturus, likely, you are here to learn about staying in, and controlling one's own vibrational energy fields. The main experience for Arcturians is to learn that home is where the soul is. Very few arcturians feel Earth as a place known as home. Struggling to fit in and belong is very much at the forefront of their earthly experience.

Zeta Reticuli starseeds are similar to Arcturians in their level of intelligence, totally telepathic, if your previous life was as a zeta reticuli, you will be here to learn to understand your fellow brothers and sisters. On a human level, this can cause a lot of difficulties in being able to relate to other humans, feeling very much like an outcast by society and learning to construct rather than destruct things is key to your soul's evolution.

Sirian starseeds incarnating upon earth need intellectual stimuli as much as oxygen. For Sirians, they often, as humans, affected by Earth's magnetic pull which triggers low self-esteem issues in their formative years. They struggle with their feelings and often prefer companionship and have a tendency to be asexual until they reconnect with their spiritual essence. Once this happens, they prefer spiritual-based living investing their time and energy perfecting their meditation or spiritual practices. Yoga, alternative healing and natural living are key elements the Sirian starseed requires to exist within Earth's atmosphere.

Pleiadian starseeds when incarnating into Earthly dimensions are here to heal their karma, very much like humans, the Pleiadian starseed initially were arrogant about their own level of being. They took their planet to the brink of destruction and only at their 11th hour were they able to turn things around and save themselves from extinction. Now they are here to experience a similar life where they have to learn to be less judgemental and assist earth and its brethren in healing themselves and awakening to the need to protect Earth, and its cornucopia of plant, mineral, marine and animals. Where-ever you find humans who are individualistic, highly creative and expressive, this is where you will find the Pleiadians. Accepting the harsh realities of life is something they struggle with, as they prefer to explore, create, play and enjoy those things which create joy. Pleiadians need to beautify where ever they are. Part of their own intrinsic soul essences requires crystals to be carried, or placed in their home, to feed them the energies they need to sustain their creative force. Accessing 5th, 6th, and 7th-dimensional energies is easy for them, often they are unaware they are here to help transmit higher frequencies on the Earthplane.

Lyran starseeds incarnate to help build spiritual communities, the true home-makers of the universe, the Lyrans try to recreate heaven upon earth. The lesson of the Lyran is to learn discernment. Lyrans tend to overgive to others. They often, too easily, put their faith in others or things and end up being bitterly disappointed when that faith is betrayed. Lyrans must learn they cannot fix everything and everyone. they have to learn to honour and allow others to experience their own journey in their own way. Part of their own soul lessons is to heal themselves by working on their own insecurities, rather than helping others with theirs.

Earth is now at critical mass, there are too many beings incarnated at the same time and this is taking an extreme toll on the natural resources the planet provides. All starseeds must begin to recognise the need to use their power to support Earth and all who dwell upon her.

There is a large proportion of humans whose soul source energy carries the Atlantean karmic debt. This means that there is a vast proportion of humans who are afraid of power, their karmic influences are very strong and therefore they prefer to hide themselves so that those in power don't notice they are there. They resent authority, but do as they are told anyway, to not draw attention to themselves. They are here to reclaim their power and share their soul's gifts with humanity but the only way they can do this is to overcome their lack of trust in themselves to be the change they wish to see. Atlantean souls live in fear, and they must begin to heal their starseed past lives and so with this in mind, we believe the time has now come for you all to begin to do the work of healing the self.

Whilst earthbound you accumulate etheric discharge which requires regular clearing to enable you to maintain your higher vibrational rates. When you have an accumulation of etheric discharge, the physical body feels heavy, sluggish and lacks energy. You may lack clarity in your thinking or find your body's ability to metabolise food hindered.

To clear etheric discharge, we would recommend that you make a point after bathing to call upon the Archangelic Realm and ask for a golden cleansing of your etheric body. Also, call upon your own starseed healing guides to assist you in clearing your body of etheric discharge. When you request this, a golden dome of light is placed over you and sweeps your etheric body. You can lay or sit quietly while the cleansing takes place

When the energies around you feel cooler and you can perceive the energies as though you are in a vacuum, then call upon the Galactic Master Healers and Ascended Master Sanat Kumara and ask for a multiversal cleanse. Ask your Galactic Master Healers and Sanat Kumara to hold the frequency of the cleanse until all negative imprints and implants are dissolved.

The Galactic Master Healers and Sanat Kumara will build a multiversal clearing flame around you. At this time, it is normal for the heat to build as your own energy bodies are cleared of energy debris, imprints and implants. You will know this is complete when the energies around you return to normal.

We would recommend that you do this whenever you feel the need to clear your own energy fields.

Until next time, love, peace, magic, abundance and good health be with you always. ~ Aletheia
