Jill Harrison - AngelMessenger

Jan 20, 20215 min

Aletheia - Be Prepared For Change

Humanities trajectory at this time in evolution will bring many changes. Many of our starseed brothers and sisters, including that which you term the angelic realm have forewarned you to be prepared for what is to come.

This is not to cause doom and gloom but to assist you in recognising that the way you live and how you live is drastically changing.

Our aim to help you plan and prepare, so that when the time comes, you know what to do. The guidance we bring forth it to assist you with seeing the options before you so that like us, you are able to use your divine consciousness and divine will to choose the right choice for you.

Already humanity is aware of climate change, but very few are actively and acutely aware that a turbulent storm is brewing. Turning a blind eye to the rising temperature of the seas, the poisoning of your water supply and the raping of natural rainforests won't make things disappear, it is only creating a situation where many humans will be completely unprepared and unable to choose wisely the best course of action for themselves.

Right now, humanity is experiencing a plague that is bringing rising mortality rates, impacting upon the economy, a social crises exists and yet, has there been any awareness how this is going to affect you all? Is anyone really aware of the impact this will have after the risk of disease has been seen as over?

When the governments around the world are unable to subsidise farmers, give funding to those people already in poverty, how will you all feed yourselves and survive? How will you survive when mass unemployment is rising and you find yourself without an income?

Are you equipped with land to be able to grow food on? Do you have fabric saved which will enable you filter your water supplies? Do you have some supplies stored so that in the event nothing was available to you, you could survive for at least a month?

It sounds bad, but this is going to be something that happens on a worldwide stage. When there is poverty, people will get mean. The survival instincts within all living things can push sanity out of the mind very quickly. Many times in previous channellings from many of those you refer to as being in the spiritual realm have forwarned you not to live in cities. Cities lack land, and where there is more people than land, things can get pretty intense.

You have, in the past, been told to exchange paper money for gold. This is because since gold was first discovered it has always give the bearer value and power. Humanity has to face facts that it is at war. War with nature, war with disease and war with those who continue to hold you in a trancelike state of fear so you forget the god seed that lies within you.

We have been there before you and this is why we come to help you. We have see the useless of manipulation. We have seen the damage of giving away your divine sovereignty can do. We have seen how those you trusted to govern in the end took their gain by creating your burden.

Finally we awoke and began to remember our divine god seed. We experienced the fall of the monetary funding we had created, and we awoke to the realisation that the fall was our salvation.

In the beginning you were created to grow and harvest your own food. Humanity now instead of growing and harvesting its own food trades food in exchange for other things, material things which will not feed and nourish you when the tide turns.

So why haven't your starseed brothers and sisters descended on mass to save you? Why are the rest of your human brothers and sisters not seeing and understanding how the few control the masses? How the rising temperature of your oceans, the rising of your sea levels, the disease you are all dealing with is a warning of wake up?

Because humanity is manifesting the drama, it is creating the chaos moment by moment by tapping into the drama they are being hypnotised by. Everyone of you possesses the choice to change what is being reflected. Everyone of you possesses the ablity to change what is unfolding.

The angelic realm have for eons tried to help you, they have tried to get you to lift yourselves out of the mire you have created. They continue to this day to fight to save you all, but they cannot help you unless you firstly allow it and secondly you begin to save yourselves.

Throughout your evolution your starseed brothers and sisters, angels and wise sages of your ancestors have stepped forward to guide you, to teach you that your environment changes when you change. Become aware of what follows what is happening in the now. That doesn't mean you live in the future but you begin to see how what is unfolding will impact on the next day, and the day after that.

If you are to flourish, learn to not give your own power away. Learn to stand in your divine sovereign power to choose and know that through your choices you manifest a new reality.

Creating new spiritual communities is key to survival. We found that cooperatives where land and resources were shared was the way to enlightenment. Creating new spiritual communities where you share a collective unity, where diversity creates the whole and all of you can coexist as one and the same.

As your starseed brothers and sisters, we, along with the angelic realm are here to help prevent you from being robbed of your liberty, your freedom and we are here to help you awaken from the trance in which you have been kept for thousands of years. We are on your side.

Humanities ascension alignment affects the whole, if it fails, the whole fails, therefore to maintain the continuum, we offer this guidance so you do not experience the turmoil and drama we had to endure.

Whether you choose to ignore our guidance or embrace it, your planet Earth will continue its trajectory. Seek to withdraw where ever you can, from that which keeps you under surveillance and bound in slavery to a system that was never created or built to support and protect you.

Begin to think about how you would survive if everything you depend on was gone. If in the next hour money ceased to have any value, food and clothing could no longer could be bought and clean water did not flow to your door. Would you be able to survive? Do you have seeds to plant food? Do you have land? Do you have access or know how to find water?

Do you know of others with whom you could form a cooperative? These are all things you should gain knowledge of. Once humanity begins to awaken, then, and only then are we able to make ourselves known and assist you in cleaning up the Earth plane.

Once humanity is ready, we will come and teach you how to stabilise your climate and reseed the Earth so there is no hunger, no poverty and we will teach you how with the use of crystals and your own God seed power to create the most clearest of waters you have ever known

Your choices create your destiny, if you wish to create a future where life on Earth is full of beauty, it is within you to manifest this into being.

You choose your destiny, your choice makes it law and through divine law, so it is!

With love, light and gratitude

